Dial: 0845 604 0489
Millions of people in the UK are still out of reach of broadband services, so finding cost-effective dialup is still a real concern.
Only One Internet have a great free dialup service - you don't need to sign up, there are no forms to fill in and it's really very simple to use. Our features include:
- Fast, free and reliable dialup Internet access
- Pay-as-you-go. No subscription fees or contract
- 0845 local call rates paid via your phone bill
- Up to 56 kbps modem speeds
- Free and easy to set up
- Anyone can use it
- Free for businesses, home users, students, anyone!
Setup Instructions
The easiest way to setup our free internet access is download our free setup wizard. It only takes a few seconds to download and configure your computer to connect to Only One Internet (Microsoft® Windowstm only).
Simply have your computer dial:
0845 604 0489
You can specify any username or password you like e.g. username heart and password internet!
We even provide a free outgoing mail server for use in programs like Outlook Express - simply point your outgoing mail server to smtp.outitgoes.com.

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Free Website Builder
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