Dial: 0845 604 0489
Millions of people in the UK are still out of reach of broadband services, so finding cost-effective dialup is still a real concern.
Only One Internet have a great free dialup service - you don't need to sign up, there are no forms to fill in and it's really very simple to use. Our features include:
- Fast, free and reliable dialup Internet access
- Pay-as-you-go. No subscription fees or contract
- 0845 local call rates paid via your phone bill
- Up to 56 kbps modem speeds
- Free and easy to set up
- Anyone can use it
- Free for businesses, home users, students, anyone!
Setup Instructions
The easiest way to setup our free internet access is download our free setup wizard. It only takes a few seconds to download and configure your computer to connect to Only One Internet (Microsoft® Windowstm only).
Simply have your computer dial:
0845 604 0489
You can specify any username or password you like e.g. username heart and password internet!
We even provide a free outgoing mail server for use in programs like Outlook Express - simply point your outgoing mail server to smtp.outitgoes.com.

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Take advantage of the lowest price in the UK and you only have to register for ONE year.

Free Website Builder
Many of our hosting accounts come with our FREE Website Builder Software.

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The UKs lowest price domains - only from Only One Internet.